Supported To Deliver Consulting value

Tony Telfer

I really don't think I would have survived without the people in this network...

Using The Power Of Our Virtual Team

Throughout my years of general business management consulting, I have found the people in this network to be an essential part of my success and the consulting value I bring to my clients. The broad base of expertise, and the level of professionalism within the group means I can confidently bring a colleague in to help with a business matter, or simply phone them up to run something by them. I really don't think I would have survived without this group.

Consulting Value Recognised By Clients

One of my clients summed up his satisfaction with the outcomes of the combination of strategy sessions, business development and a rebranding project.

I engaged Tony because the business was in danger of stalling. Ours is a family business, and even though it was comfortable, it did not have the breadth it needed for sustainability.
Tony helped by firstly helping us see what needed doing, then by focusing on the market. He brought in an excellent branding specialist who updated our logo and image, and then he helped us approach targeted prospects.
As a result, we now have a much better base of valued clients.

The network allows me to tap into the broader networks of my colleagues. In this exercise my work was complemented by a logo designer whom I found through a recommendation from one of my colleagues.

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